downham: 01366 384 644

kings lynn: 01553 970 971

Office Hours Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm
Available for Emergencies 24/7


Vets One Environmental Policy

Vets One recognises the impact that the Veterinary and medical professions have upon the environment globally. Therefore, we as a veterinary practice are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance in relation to our services and operations.

We have identified the following key environmental impacts associated with the Veterinary Profession:

The company is committed to reducing the above impacts, and to the continual and gradual improvement of our environmental achievement. Therefore, to achieve this overarching goal, Vets One is working towards Investors in the Environment accreditation.

We are committed to working with our staff, customers, suppliers, contractors, regulatory bodies and stakeholders to achieve the following accreditation:

  1. Meet, and where possible, exceed all environmental regulations to our organisation and activities.
  2. Increase our cost-effectiveness by reducing our consumption of energy and raw materials.
  3. Reduce waste and pollution both locally and in the wider environment.
  4. Make our progress available for independent assessment.

It is the responsibility of all employees, visitors and contractors to fully support this policy through advice, participation and cooperation.

This policy will be displayed at all times and is openly available to all members of the public via our website,

The introduction of this policy is a commitment of Vets One management, and a shared responsibility with our employees. Megan Shorthouse has been designated responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of this policy.

This policy will therefore be reviewed annually as a part of organisation’s overall environmental management plan.